Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Pack on 15 pound of quality muscle in 3 months with this comprehensive nutrition and supplementation program.
This is a unique plan that should be follow close to the letter as possible, the goal is to add as much muscle as possible to your frame while keeping fat gain at minimum.
This program is divided into 3 parts each is one month

WEEKS 1-4-first STAGE
This stage emphasize basic exercises for lower reps to increase strength and overall muscle size. the strength gain in this phase will help you to lift heavier weight during the next two stages which will enhance muscle growth,

Push/Pull split- during this stage you will split your workout into one day of pushing exercises and another day of pulling , train each muscle group twice a week.

Part one of the first stage(weeks 1-2)reps are in the range of 6-8 . This allows gains in muscle and strength

Part two of stage 1(weeks 3-4) reps drop to 3-5 .with added twist after the last rep of each primary set strip out weight and perform 25 reps of that exercise .

phase one weeks 1-2 work out program
work out 1: Monday and Thursday
body part_________ exercise_______ sets_____reps______rest

Quadriceps____ Smith machine squats___ 4______ 6-8_______ 3
_______________leg presses _________4______6-8 _______3

Chest incline_____ bench presses ________4 _____6-8_______ 3
______________Dumbell bench presses_____ 4_____ 6-8 ______3

shoulders_____ Dumbell shoulder presses___3 _____6-8______ 3
____________Dumbell lateral raises______ 2 _____ 6-8_____ 3
____________Seated dumbell front raises __2_____ 6-8______ 3

Triceps______ Close grip bench presses ____3_____ 6-8______ 3
____________Triceps bench dips________ 3_____ 6-8______ 3

calves_______ Standing calf raises _______ 2_____ 6-8______ 2

workout 2 : Teusday and Friday

Back/hams________ Dead lifts_______ 4 _____6-8______ 3
_____________Romanian dead lifts _____4_____ 6-8______ 3
_____________Lat pull downs________ 4______ 6-8______ 3
_____________T-bar rows__________ 4______ 6-8______ 3

Biceps______ Barbell curls__________ 3______ 6-8______ 3
______Incline alternating dumbell curls___3______ 6-8______ 3

Abs______ Weighted crunches________ 4______ 6-8______ 1-2

phase TWO weeks 3-4 work out program
workout one :Monday and Thursday

Body part___________Exercise___________Sets____Reps____Rest

____________________Leg Presses___________4_________4-6______3

Chest______________Bench presses__________4__________3-5______3
__________________incline dumbell presses_____4__________4-6______3

Shoulders_________barbell shoulder press______3__________3-5_______3
__________________Upright rows____________3__________4-6_______3

Triceps___________Close grip bench presses_____3__________3-5_______3

Calves _______________Leg press calves raises____4__________6-8______2

Workout 2: Tuesday and Friday

______________Romanian deadlifts_________4_____________4-6________3
______________Barbell rows______________4_____________3-5________3
______________Under grip pull downs_______4______________4-6________3

Biceps________barbell curls___________3_____________3-5________3
_______________Preacher curls____________3_______________4-6________3

Abs_____________Cable curl crunches________4_______________6-8________1-2


Bit Pusher said...

Could you explain the 1/25 on the exercises for the 3rd and 4th week? Are those supposed to be drop sets of some kind? You haven't really mentioned what the weight level should be for these exercises.

Bit Pusher said...

Also, sinc the number of reps are dropping should there be a weight increase during the 3/4th week?

Bit Pusher said...

Hey Roman. When are we going to get Stage 2 of the exercise plan?